5G for all walks of life

16 Feb 2022 - The Star

5G TECHNOLOGY was launched here in December 2021, thus making Malaysia one of the first countries in the region to build a 5G ecosystem using the internet and cloud services in real-time.

5G is a gamechanger, creating more smart services that will have a direct impact on people everywhere, from all walks of life.

It not only promises faster Internet access but will also enable various industries with more capabilities, as well as offer people a wide range of mobile digital experiences, far beyond what’s available today.

It is is the fundamental platform for the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) because it combines greater data transfer speeds and heightened processing power.

The 4IR is a fusion of advances in digital, physical and biological fields, and has brought about discoveries in artificial intelligence (AI), Big Data, virtual reality (VR) and software engineering.

5G and you

5G will have a significant impact on our lives, enabling both individuals and societies to adopt a smarter and more efficient lifestyle in terms of work, education, healthcare and leisure.

With greater Internet speeds and accessibility that enables faster data transfers compared to previous generation technologies, 5G directly improves the quality of life in today’s digital world.

Regardless of what device we use or where we are in the world, our choices of lifestyle, work and study increase because 5G promises faster download speeds, web browsing and video streaming.

Working or studying from home will quickly become the way of life as online productivity will naturally increase thanks to the smooth and high quality Internet browsing experience. 5G improves live streaming with low latency, higher speeds and bandwidth.

Revolutionising industries

Economic sectors such as automotive, smart cities, public safety, media and entertainment, agriculture, education, manufacturing and healthcare can take full advantage of 5G technology to transform work processes and introduce reforms that will boost these sector’s contribution to the country’s economy.

According to a recent Ernst & Young Consulting Services (EY) study, the use of 5G technology has the potential to help increase Malaysia’s gross domestic product (GDP) by 5% or RM122bil by 2030.

5G is all set to drive efficiency, increase productivity and create new opportunities across the board, and this will contribute to the aspirations of the 12th Malaysia Plan to become a high-income nation.

For example, 5G has the potential to increase efficiency, as well as digitally improve the healthcare sector with remote monitoring or telehealth.

This tech benefits from a latency rate as low as 1ms which allows for live consultation and diagnosis via video calls between physicians and patients regardless of their location.

In the manufacturing sector, smart manufacturing is now a reality with robotic machinery able to communicate in 4k at high speed through machines, sensors and cameras that will improve operational efficiency and capabilities.

Not to be outdone, self -driving vehicles – which may have once been a thing of science fiction – are now very much a reality. Everything can be achieved with a combination of 5G technology and sensors, cameras, radars and AI.

5G also allows drones to be used for precision farming, as well as digital mapping and monitoring to increase agricultural yields in a shorter period of time.

Society will also benefit from the existence of a smart city with fixed wireless access (FWA) and enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB).

These accesses allow residents to use devices such as washing machines, televisions and smart air conditioners that can be controlled remotely. All these initiatives implemented are in line with the government’s aspiration to bring about a positive change in the lives of the people, in line with current technological developments.

As a result of the revolution in these vertical sectors, 5G is directly creating more job opportunities as well as new types of jobs.

The EY report expects the implementation of 5G in Malaysia to create 750,000 new jobs by 2030 as well as contribute to an increase in the percentage of high-skill jobs.

Driving the economy

To drive the economy, the government has adopted the 5G-first policy to encourage the use and adoption of 5G technology.

Under this policy, the federal and state governments will work together and coordinate approvals for the use of 5G such as network facilities.

The government is also adopting digital-native and cloud-first strategies to accelerate the digital transformation of the public sector.

By the end of 2022, this transformation will mean 80% of cloud storage usage in government.

This migration, coupled with future government super apps, will ensure effective data collection and management.

The use of cloud technology enables Big Data, AI, IoT and other emerging technologies to better manage the delivery of government and public services while reducing costs.

This technology helps increase productivity, optimise processes and increase efficiency.

This will enable the government to interact and provide services more efficiently, transparently and effectively to the community.


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